Seminar: Reducing yield gaps in maize cultivation: effects of genotype and crop management

Informació de l'esdeveniment
Laboratori pràctiques I, edifici A

Av. de l'Alcalde Rovira Roure 191,

E-25198 Lleida


Gustavo Maddonni is Associated Professor of Dpt. Plant Production School of Agriculture University of Buenos Aires, Argentina and Independent Researcher of CONICET (National Council of Scientific and Technical Research)

Between 2008 and 2016 he was the coordinator of the Crop Production M.Sc. program at the Faculty of Agronomy (UBA), and at present he is the Director of the Graduate School at the same Faculty.

His expertise is on the area of Dry-land summer crop agronomy, canopy structure of maize crops (sowing date, plant population density, row spacing, and genotype) and maize cropping systems in humid-temperate environments

